Wishing the 13’s & 14’s rep netballers all the best at the Hart Junior State Titles Baulkham Hills Netball Association over this coming weekend, 2nd, 3rd & 4th July
Remember to play with spirit, determination & fair play & represent ENA proudly
All the best to the coaches
13’s Kellie Rogan & Fiona Hall
14’s Kerrie Mars & Jane Edwards
Big thx to the parents for supporting your netball stars in getting them through this journey to this weekend
Team white is Amelia Wilks, Tiffany Johnston & Nicole Parrott
All the best ladies
13's REP team
Autumn Bonner-Combes
Bridie Sealey
Laura Ovington
Lily Mahony
Michaela Fitzpatrick
Rosie McPartland
Summer Hage
Tamika Bercini
Xanthe Shaw
Zara Hall
14’s REP team
Amy White
Danika Edwards
Emily Borg
Jordan Delaney
Matilda Buck
Mia Lasscock
Pypar McCarthy
Stella Horne
Jazmine Hogan
Mia Blunden